Nourishment Project
by Michael Peter

“How might we reimagine, a sustainable & efficient system for nourishment, between the collection & distribution sector, of food banks?”

Design context

This project allowed me to understand, develop, and use Service Design tools in a real-world scenario, building a participatory and empower service for food banks. I focused the service on the connection between the food donors and the food banks.

Design Artefacts

Information Broadcast– My service is introduced through emailed flyers with follow-up phone call.

Mobile Application— The grocery store owners can use this app to locate available volunteers, photo request a pickup, and rate volunteer. The volunteer will be able to update the availability and transportation, check the inventory of food banks and navigate the destination.

In-house Logistics Screen— This screen provides arrival alerts and inventory overview. Logistics could also be housed through the mobile application.

Inventory Tracking— The tracking system can weight and scan and integrate with the logistics screen.

Volunteer Reward System— Volunteer will receive points after delivery the food and sponsor redemptions.